Stepping Out Of Your Style Comfort Zone
We love the familiar, what we know works, what's safe. It's said that we wear only 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time. Why? Because we go to the same old same old items because they're safe and we know that it works.
Here's the thing...
As a Personal Stylist, one thing I hear all the time during a Personal Shopping Session is "I never would have picked this for myself, but I love it!"
Sure, my job is to find you amazing clothes that reflect your style, that fit your body and that function for your lifestyle, but you don't need a Stylist to try something new, to experiment and go outside of your comfort zone. Not everything will work, but that's ok. It's about trying, and the more you try (with the spirit of just having fun and giving it a go) the more you'll learn about what you really love.
Here's how you step out of your style comfort zone :
If you see something you like, whether it's on someone else, on social media or in a store, make a point to try it on. The fact that you're drawn to it is a good sign that it's likely a part of your style. Don't allow those thoughts like "You could never pull that off" or "That won't look good" or "Looks great here, but it won't on me" know the thoughts I'm talking about... Shush them up and give it a go! If you like it, you try it!
When trying it on, say to yourself "This is for fun and to try something new and different." There is zero pressure to make it work! I would go as far as to challenge you to try 1-3 items that you are drawn to but would consider to be outside of your comfort zone each time you go shopping.
Ok, now that you have the item on. What do you think? Really take the time to look at the item and see how it's fitting, how you like the style & details, and consider the colour or print. Do you need to try a different size? Recognize the things that you do like about it, and if there's anything that you don't like, and be specific.
Using the knowledge that you have from that try on (those specific things that you did and didn't like), you now have some more guidance on what to look for moving forward. For example, say you loved the neckline and how it fit in the shoulders, or you loved the general style but want something tighter or looser, or you loved the colours and/or print - now you have a better idea of what to look for next time.
When you find something that works, I encourage you to take it home on the basis that it's a trial period, which means you're also committing to returning the item within the return policy timeline. When at home, try it on again and see what outfits you can make with this item using other pieces that you already own. Like any new purchase, you want to make sure that you'll wear it and that it works with what you already have.
Don't stop trying! If the first thing doesn't work, so what?! Now you know that specific item isn't for you, but the next one, or the one after that just might! Don't limit yourself by sticking to what's familiar.
Why should I step outside of my comfort zone? I like my familiar clothes.
Trying new styles of clothing, shoes and accessories is a great way to have fun with style and fashion. And here's the thing- style should be fun! Getting dressed every day, should be fun! And this is how you get there!
Adding unique items to your closet is what keeps your wardrobe, and your style, exciting and interesting. It ensures you're not getting bored with what you have and breaks up the same old same old cycle.
You will learn more about the styles, colours and patterns that bring you joy and make your style truly authentic.
When you have a wardrobe that consists of different types of clothing, everything feels special and unique. On the flip side, when you have 15 t-shirts in solid shade of black, grey and white...none of those feel all that different from the others and your wardrobe will feel dull and redundant.
Oftentimes those unique, out-of-the-comfort-zone pieces, become your absolute favorites. They're they ones you are excited to wear, the ones you keep the longest, and the ones you feel absolutely amazing in!
The biggest "What if..."
But what if my spouse, or my sister, or my friends, don't like it?
Let me tell you this, and I want you to hear it, soak in it, and believe it :
You dress for you, and nobody else.
Because you know what looks amazing and what draws people in?
When you feel beautiful and confident because when you look in the mirror, you like what you see!
Personal Story :
While I have a few similar stories to this, I'm going to use this example because it's the most recent.
I saw some very wide leg leopard print pants on social media. Now, I've always been a fan of a good leopard print, and wide leg pants are absolutely my jam and have been since high school. But combining leopard print and wide leg pants...I mean, that's a bit much, isn't it?!
But those pants stuck in my mind and when I found some in a store, I thought "Why not? I'm going to try these ridiculous pants."
When I tried them on, the felt like a lot...but I also really loved them. They were comfortable, they combined some elements of things that are very "me". Are a leopard print jean outside of my comfort zone? Absolutely. But, they were also something that I loved, I felt great in, and I knew I could wear a lot with them.
When I took them home, I let them sit on my dresser for a few days- I wanted to marinate in them (as I call it) for a bit before truly deciding. When I had time, I put them on and went through my closet to see what I had for tops and footwear to ensure I could really wear these pants in multiple ways.
And spoiler alert (not really), I could do more with those leopard print pants than I ever thought I much so, that it made me wonder why I'd waited so long to own something like this!
I will say, I know these particular pants are a lot. I mean, they're pleated, extra wide leg, cuffed, leopard print jeans. Even writing this down, I'm thinking "they sound terrible!" But they're least not to me. I know that when I wear them, people either love them or hate them. When my husband saw them the first time he said "Oh...those are quite the pants..."
All of this to say that these pants are now an absolute favorite of mine and they're something that I'm always excited to wear.
Outfit Details and Links (you know, just in case you might want your own pair of wide leg, pleated, cuffed leopard print jeans too) :
Each image below is linked directly to the shop where you can find the exact item. I love that everything here is size inclusive and I've tried every single item (and own most!). The only exception is the sneakers- mine aren't available, but these are very close in style and I have tried them on and am happy to say that they're super cute!
You have got absolutely nothing to lose by stepping outside of your style comfort zone. I'm not saying build a new wardrobe of out-there pieces. I'm saying just try it. Try something new and fun and interesting, and in turn, you'll learn more about what it is that puts a smile on your face and that pep in your step!
Have fun with it!
(because that's what style is all about!)